Let in the light. Or not.
We supply and fit the quietest and most discrete automated blinds and curtains in the industry. These can be hardwired as part of a new build or renovation, or easily retrofitted without cabling with our offerings of battery operated units with a battery lifespan of approximately 3 years.
Have your shading automatically close at sunset for privacy and open again silently in the morning as a gentle wake up call set to your schedule. Our shades can also be simply controlled by a touch of a button on a keypad, touchscreen, mobile app or even your TV remote!
In glass rich interiors our shading solutions can also help to control temperature. Stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter by deflecting or harnessing solar heat.
We can also help to offer both privacy and natural light by offering a variety of sheer fabrics.
Get in touch to discuss different shading options for your property and to view fabric samples to blend in with and compliment your interior.